White Centipede Noise Podcast

Eric Stonefelt of HUM OF THE DRUID

White Centipede Noise

HUM OF THE DRUID is a project that has carved out its own gnarled niche in the industrial noise landscape, with its dense, cracking compositions that blur the lines between acoustic and electric sounds, and emit a distinct atmosphere of personal esotericism. Eric Stonefelt, the man behind the project, is a visual artist as well, responsible for the surreal textual illustrations adorning all HUM OF THE DRUID releases, and is a member of several obscure black metal projects. Something of a recluse when it comes to “scene” involvement, Eric was kind enough to join me for an in depth conversation about his work, philosophies, and more.
Full episode at https://www.patreon.com/whitecentipedenoise


Opening track:
HUM OF THE DRUID - "Transcendental Criminal Behavior" from Norse Fumigation LP (SNSE)

This episode of White Centipede Noise Podcast is brought to you by:
Initial Shock Fest II in Montreal, Canada https://www.initialshock.screamandwrithe.com/
Reanimated Miscarriage - https://www.traumateamonline.net/

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